I’ve always been a bit of methodology junkie, so imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this great Beta E-book on design methodologies. Author Hugh Dubberly walks us over 100 different processes and methodologies in his book How do you design?
Having this kind of resource always with you must be really handy if you’re still strolling the halls of university and need t figure out who and what to quote based on actual work you did. It should also be handy to any consulting as Hugh breaks models into different sections like Academic models, Consultant models and even Complex linear models.
Now that I’ve read this book I can say that my personal beliefs that good (UX) Design is cyclic falls mostly within teories of Spiral Path after Paul Souza (1996 in Dubberly 1995) and Iconic model of the Design process after Mihajlo D. Mesarovic (1964 in Dubberly 1995).
The one that looks really intriguing is Extreme programming planning/feedback loops after Don Wells (2000 in Dubberly 1995) as it defines very concrete time lines for each step of design process:

The book is a very nice read for these dark December nights and I can’t wait for the day that it’s going to get published in a paper form as I’d really like to own it.