Where in Ljubljana it’s most likely that your car will be towed away? In short: city centre, beginning of Vi? and around Metelkova.

or alternative visualization

Source of this data is page from Javni Holding Ljubljana that publishes your car info and the street it was towed away from. Gašper created Scraper wiki for it and is collecting data for last 3 months (aggregated source, if you want to reuse it).
Heatmap as a visualization technique was chosen because the data itself is very fuzzy (only street names are given, without the street number). It also tells you which neighborhoods to avoid.
If you want to help us bring more of such mashups into the world, please consider adding other sources of data into si.ckan.net. These pictures are end results of one such example where data was not hidden behind a telephone or a piece of paper (in a locked filing cabinet in a disused lavatory behind a door that says “Beware of the tiger”).
Thanks goes to RTV Slovenia for hosting OpenData Hackday.
great stuff again!
what would be really interesting is figuring out whether in these hotspots are the places with most parking violations or just places where more towaways happen (city taking care of some parts better than the others).
maybe by matching this dataset with a parking ticket dataset (if such a thing is available)?
We’re not sure yet. Someone needs to ask MOL if such data is collected.
There’s near-online presentation http://goo.gl/BZvm and you could even get an email if your car is towed away! http://goo.gl/bJ8Gb and you could get some statistics every month about dangerous spots and dangerous vehicle brands http://goo.gl/Iox4w