Slovenian Web 2.0 geek scene got a new toy a few months ago, it’s called Koornk (better Twitter). Feeling a bit blue for just writing emails lately and not programming anything nice, I decided a few days ago to roll out an one night hack – Koornk personas that tell you if you need your umbrella on that day.
Usage is simple, just follow @deznikjesenice, @deznikcelje, @deznikmaribor or @deznikljubljana to get a a simpe notification in the morning. It’s based on what Slovenian weather service thinks the probabilities for selected regions are. Their track record is usually pretty good, so I’m confident in occurrence of the predictions.
I already received a few useful tips of where to get more data about weather predictions, so we might soon also start suggesting you what kind of coat to wear that day, depending on the temperature forecast.
Jure, what about a nice weather umbrella widget for my blog? Streaming umbrella's feeds directly from Koornk. Hm?
That should be done by Koornk guys, really 🙂
I am considering turning this whole umbrella thing into a .si page, so there might be stand-alone widgets.
Jure, tole je super! Pa Å¡e ravno pravi Äas, preden se spokam od doma… 😉
Jure, tole je super! Pa še ravno pravi ?as, preden se spokam od doma… 😉
thank you for interesting tip. I'll also place it on my blog