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Black / Dark Google for Earth Hour

Having a nice white Google homepage in your browser is somehow reassuring as you know that you just have to start typing in order to lookup the data in the the metaverse.

This all changed when your favorite search engine turned their lights off in order to promote Earth Hour, their initiative to remind us to conserve energy and enable power-sawing modes on our computers and other electronic gadget.

If you are wondering why your Google didn’t turn dark for that one Earth Hour, it is because it’s probably because it is not between 8pm and 9pm maybe your local Google just doesn’t want to play. Here is a quick screen shot how I noticed it on Google UK.

Black Google Earth day

2 responses to “Black / Dark Google for Earth Hour

  1. The “black” energy saving initiative is super. The Blackle ( is all the time black. The only pitty is that the “black” is not as efficient with LCD monitors.

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