Saturdays are the days for hacking (after having a great run earlier of course). This time I’ve been preparing a network data set for a friend. The idea was to take a look at who follows who on Koornk.
Tools used: their API, Python scripts and Pajek to draw the results.
This is what I’ve got after a productive afternoon:
I’ve only followed nodes that can be found by starting with Matija as initial node. Quick look at the resulted graph, we can see that their is a well connected group of people in a middle, with another group that is only partially connected to the first group. There are of course many others who are not well connected.
As this is only first prototype, there are a few more things to do on some other nice Saturday:
- figure out a way to get list of all nicknames (one way would be to just go through the list of messages)
- weight different connections, based on who’s talking to who
- interpret the data (but since that’s not my homework, I hope the recipient of data set will want to do a guest-blog about this)
- draw even prettier picture 🙂
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