Here is a little code snippet that will allow your python script to access MSN Search.
I’m posting it here in hope that google picks it up and that next person who wants to just google it won’t have to start from scratch.
(I’m not sure how to post it to retain formatting, but since it’s a simple script anyway it doesn’t matter much)
from SOAPpy import WSDL
wsdl_url = ''
server = WSDL.Proxy(wsdl_url)
params = {'AppID': '***!!!YOUR_API_KEY_HERE!!!***',
'Query': query,
'CultureInfo': 'en-US',
'SafeSearch': 'Off',
'Requests': {
'Source': 'Web',
'Offset': 0,
'Count': 10,
'ResultFields': 'All',
server_results = server.Search(Request=params)
results = server_results.Responses[0].Results[0]
return results
thank you, whoever you are
Thank you very much. You have really saved my time.
thanks so much your the best!!!
Thank you. I was looking for somthing to do that. Didnt feel like figuring it out on my own.
Can anyone give an example of how to translate this particular request into a ZSI example?