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A victory at last!
Whooo! Morphfest has started. It only took me 12 hours to get to aquatix place. After delays and transfer there was also a traffic jam. But now the hacking has begun and it is beginning to be really fun.
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— ideas
Whooo! Morphfest has started. It only took me 12 hours to get to aquatix place. After delays and transfer there was also a traffic jam. But now the hacking has begun and it is beginning to be really fun.
— ideas
Flying is always fun experience. Today began really nicely when I arrived at Ljubljana airport just to find out that the fly to Amesterdam is delayed 3h because of bad fog at destination. We waited for 2 hours when they kindly notified us that the flight was cancelled. I never saw so many people with […]
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I would like to thanks billw00d for pointing out two great blogs on topic of Mechanical Turk. They answered all the questions I had about it. http://mturkey.blogspot.com/ http://mechanical-turk.blogspot.com/
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ShoveLove Cool clothes, cool ideas. Makes me want to order some with LiveCD logo. Should be pretty funny.
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I love new Django wallpapers.
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WoWSharp.NET: Home WoWSharp is a tool that helps you cheat at World of Warcraft. I understand that cheating is a big problem in online games, but it still had me as “waaaay cool”. Why? Because authors decided to release the source to public and thus decentralize development and give skilled hackers some leverage to build […]
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Wink Se en spletni iskalnik, ki obljublja, da bo s pomocjo socialnega bookmarkanja resil svet pred klasicnimi iskalniki. Ali lahko ta link se del.icio.us-am hkrati in zakaj ne? 🙁 technorati tags: wink, del.icio.us
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Pa sem si uredil Flocka. Pricakujte povecano stevilo cudnih blog postov iz moje strani v prihodnjih dneh, ko se bom igral s temi novimi tehnologijami. technorati tags: flock, hype, new technology, tags are cool!
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ItSi Originally uploaded by Gandalfar. Ta slika ima dva namena. Prvi je ta da preizkusim, Äe in kako mi dela integracijska s flickerjem. Drugi namen je pa nekje od daleÄ osvetlit en pogleda na to kako bi lahko IT elementi v Kiberpipi sodelovali med seboj. Hvala BoÅ¡tjan!
— ideas
Pa poskusimo se z eno zadevico. Na http://del.icio.us taggajte stvari, ki se vam zdijo kul in relevantne s ‘kiberpipa’ tagom in pojavile se bodo na nasem planetu (z malo srece in dosti Bostjanove pomoci).