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Facebook v slovenščini! (Facebook speaks Slovenian)

The big news of the afternoon is that now official, in the land on the sunny side of alps, we don’t poke anymore, but instead I now “dregnem‘ someone. This is part of the now unrolled efforts of Facebook to bring it into language that’s easier to understand to teenagers.

No more *poke*
No more *poke*

The effort was completely community driven, with local Facebookers providing translations and then voting on how good they are in order to ensure best ones win. I imagine there was a huge flame around *poke*. Everything was done from within the Facebook platform, using Translations application.

At this point there’s usually a huge backlash of Slovenian geeks who claim that everything IT related should stay in English. Given the fact that one of the biggest Slovenian sites is (Subtitles), there definitely is a demand for localized content, even though there is a vocal minority that seems to think otherwise.

Image by sitmonkeysupreme via Flickr
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4 responses to “Facebook v slovenščini! (Facebook speaks Slovenian)

  1. hehe, it is realy funny – I could not use it in Slovenian although I’ve actualy did help a little bit with translation of FB:)

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