There are many definitions of “crazy”. A year ago, I would say that running around the lake in tights in middle of December, falls under extreme sports and it’s not to be copied. Right now (week after), the whole notion of that being anything special, seems ridiculous.
What was happening? 4th St. Barbara run in Velenje. It was a Relay race in teams of 4 people. Our team was named Koornk (after infamous Twitter clone 😉 – with members: Katja, Miha and Valentin and me.
We’ve of coursed dress to the occasion:

End result? 25th team out of 39. Really nice for a team of recreational runners 🙂
What did I learn?
- running events are like big parties, sure you have to run for a while, but there’s a lot of stuff happening afterwards
- great spirit in the air with everyone playing nicely
- running together with other people gives you extra boost
- relay race is tricky since the whole team depends on you and there’s extra pressure
- it’s much easier then it looks 🙂
Overall, I think I should start going to these events more often as it helps me to go out between fellow runners and learn a trick or two as well as give me extra boost for my solo runs.
In short: if you have a chance (and physical fitness) to do such event. Do not miss it! 🙂
Congratulation to Koork team!
Guys in tights are always nice to see 🙂
Last year I was there, this year unfortunately not. But we'll meet next year for sure.
Keep on running!
You should try one of the bigger events like a 1/2 marathon with 4-50,000 runners they are an awsome experience with bands play etc on route to keep you going.
Yep, that's the plan. I just need a few more months of practice 🙂
Koornk team rocks!..I also enjoy doing this activity together with my cousins. We develop our closeness by doing this activity.