What are people using for monitoring life of their community?
- Image by …-Wink-… via Flickr
- Homegrown perl script.
- PlanetPlanet + Feeds. Using Thunderbird to read the feeds and it’s failing.
- Governance issues with the regards to what should be posted to planet.
- Google Shared items to publish moderated items
- Frequent bloggers extra feature inside PlanetPlanet
- Don’t planet this tag
- SVN-search – a way to view SVN history of certain open-source projects. Lifetime history of the project, which commiters contributed mail.
- MarkMail.org
- Apache-attic – ability to mark dead communities within Apache
- Public message boards between anybody else on the site. [WikiAnswers.com]
- The question is whether they should be public or not.
Delegation – as a community management tool. When the community becomes so big that you can’t manage it, you have to delegate and give more power to specific users.
- Image by Martha? via Flickr
- [Invent] A special delegation tool
- Different projects have their own internal dashboards that helps them asses their community and decide who are important contributors to the project. They usually aggregate a number of scripts that aggregate different stats and parts of community (forums, bugs, commits, etc.)
- Ubuntu is trying to track community contributions. If you do non-technical things, they would like to be able to track it and give you karma points for this and to be able to help you.
- In order to keep people to motivated, you have to validate their contributions and find a way to track them and their community contributions.
- MeatBot – figure out who is actually doing stuff in contrast to who is just talking
- What happens when people try to gain the system. Community managers are afraid of users gaming the system? How do you reward or contribute that?
- Are there any visualization tools for past data/archives and can help with identifying important community contributions?
Community tools:
- GetSatisfaction – emoticons to express feelings and make a better tool
- StackOverflow – karma system that gives you points based on the amount of your contributions, that gives you extra features as you gain more points
Brand tracking tools:
- Biz360
- Radiant6
- OpenBrands
- We need a dashboard of dashboards
Social Tracking Tools:
- Image by jsprhrmsn : bcn via Flickr
- Need a reason for monitoring? It shows people that you are listening.
- Job title: Professional listener
Tools that should exist:
- Mozilla is doing a Community CRM – a tool that has information on everyone on community, short bio and their involvement in community + API that allows you to write a JetPacks etc. that show you more information about that person.
- It’s being built on City CRM tool. Open source customer relationship tool.
- The community must look small, to make it grow bigger.
- Similar project is django-people
- Visual relationship tool for email mailing lists
- Mailman archives that don’t suck
- Mailman archives GreaseMonkey script