UIE Virtual Seminar – Designing for Sign-up by Josh Porter (@bokardo) was a great opportunity to revisit one of the bigger topics at work right now – how to increase sign-ups and optimize the whole User Experience around this.
- Image by Stillframe via Flickr
For the ones that don’t know UIE Virtual Seminars, they’re essentialy seminars over the internet where you listen to presenter with a live presentation on your screen. During the break(s) you also get to ask presenter a question. Everything runs on Flash and just works.
I was very satisfied with the presentation itself (easy to achieve as it was free 😉 and I feel like my time was invested well. While I knew most of the things presented, from reading different articles and other presentations I did get a chance to rethink these questions in context of my current challenges.
The issue with actual physical conferences is that you’re far removed from your team and issues that surround you. While you can keep notes and ideas in the head for first half of the day, it quickly just overflows after that. The only thing that you’re left with is lots of enthusiasm and quickly scribbled notes.
I was very much surprised that it’s not so with Virtual Seminar. You just take 90 minutes out of your day. You still need to concentrate, but now you get to do it at the leisure of your normal work environment focusing on speaker and how to best apply new ideas to your problem.
As such Virtual Seminars are a really good idea and a great companion to actual physical ones. I did miss coffee break chatter a bit ..
Did you go to Virtual Seminar or know a good resource of recorded ones that you’ve enjoy? Do share in the comments!
Linking out to @friedcell for sending me the link.