These are my notes from talk by Andrej Vernekar, originally titled Predstavitev KDE 4(.2).
The code name of KDE 4.2 is “answer” as reference to Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy.
- Image via Wikipedia
KDE 4.2 can be answer to many things:
- critiques to 4.0 release
- bad things in KDE 3.5
- competition
Story time
What happens when you try to rewrite the thing from the scratch?
- authors / developers have rounded vision of the environment
- yet the community wants it’s seal of quality
- they can easily forget “release early, release often”
Vision for KDE 4.2
- Public perception of Linux Desktop is that it’s not innovative, it’s a clone, the desktop hasn’t changed much since 1984
- Vision: Plasma, completely new environment, that’s not only desktop file manager
Expectations were very high!
- Image by Lutz-R. Frank via Flickr
- It was hard to port to QT4
- KDE 4.0 had to release, if only just for developers
- Plasma had to learn KDE 3 tricks first, vision comes later
- People don’t read warnings, especially if they’re small
- Flood of critiques
- Not finished, unstable
- Missing core applications like Mail application
- Not the way it was done in KDE 3.5
- It’s not like .. (people don’t want to change their old habits)
- There’s a little X feature, that I can’t live without
Vision bears its fruits
- New and effective framework allow for release often, release early
- Surpass 8 years of development in 2 just years
- Lots of new developers due to bad press, new developers
- New interface attracts new users, even the ones that don’t usually use Linux Desktop
So what’s new?
- Newer, cleaner and more powerful interface
- Improved usability easpecially with new users in mind, making the whole thing easier to use
- Dolphin is now replaced by Konqueror
- Plasma: (Kicker + Desktop + Superkarmba)++ – desktop on steroids for non-KDE users
- New platforms: finally OS X and Windows support 😉
- Lots of eye candy
- Image via Wikipedia
Specific 4.2 release notes
- Most of the 3.5.x features are now back
- Polishing of Plasma, first real new things (e.g. PowerDevil, battery management)
- Better Kwin and lots of development in existing applications
Semantic desktop (buzzwords, beta feature)
- you can semantically tag things on your desktop
- Nepomuk – hidden feature that works, yet you know how to enable it
What’s missing?
- Image by xfire78xx via Flickr
- End users may want to wait for 4.2.1 with bugfixes
- K4B – burning tool is still missing
- KOffice 2 – beta 5 is out
- KDE 4.3 in six months
- QT 4.5 will be LGPL
- Amarok 2.1, new music player 🙂
- possibly semantic desktop, depends on feedback
- profiles for portables
Extra (Slovenian status)
- Slovenian language is supported at the release time, no 120 day delay
- Translation of 4.2.0 is as complete as 4.1.2
- Lots of quality control work
Related articles by Zemanta
- KDE4 Release Party Ljubljana (
- Hands-on: KDE 4.2 beta 1 brings impressive improvements (
- Dolphin Free File Management: A Better Option for KDE 4? (
- Windows 7, the KDE 3.5 Wannabe? (
I've been using KDE4 since its release and I have to say that all the complainers are being silly. Sure it's not some polished thing like OSX, but it works and it's pretty.
I haven't had any problems outside minor annoyances, I haven't had any crashes, I haven't had any speed problems and I've found all the advanced functions rather awesome. In fact I've come to miss most of them on OSX.
no mac style menu bar 🙁